Saturday, December 28, 2002


Had a good lesson today. Did a Predator and Prey game that I made up. It was complicated, but I managed to explain it with Zach's help.

Found out the exact Internet policy today. I need to have a disclaimer saying that these opinions are mine and not necessarily PC. If you've read this for a while...duh! Hehe.

There's been some complaining about training, language, etc. Most of it has manifested itself constructively, but some people aren't getting what they expected from the program. I think some people aren't getting what they expected from the program. I think some peoples' expectations are a little too high. Our trainers work hard and have to consider many different perspectives when teaching something. We don't know what we're getting into and they don't know where we're coming from. Some of us are teaching in Portuguese, some of us have strong Spanish backgrounds, others have weak French backgrounds. We all have different priorities, knowledge, strengths, weaknesses and learning styles. And in 10 weeks, we want to know everything.

It can get frustrating for anyone to be in this situation, as it has for many of us. I've resigned myself to the fact that it will take time for me to pick up the language, regardless of what is taught. It's a time and effort issue for me. I respond very similarly to good and bad teachers. Not so for others who are scared about their language abilities.

Hardship, I suppose.

