I haven't written for what seems like a lifetime. I'll try and catch up on the big things and then get on to the biggest...if you can call it that.
After much hassle and struggle and shame and slander, I am teaching Chemistry to all of the 11th and 12th grades. I was, at one point, told to cease and desist because I hadn't been given proper permission, then I was denied giving lessons because of Peace Corps regulations that my school misunderstood, then reinstated after I talked to a turma, telling them that the school denied me the ability to give them lessons. But now I have 11 turmas, or 39 classes per week (including other responsibilities). I have to plan 14 lessons for 8th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade. But, as Nanosh says, I love an intellectual challenge and this is definitely just that. The night students are wonderful, and I'm already having a blast with them. The only down side was getting yelled at by my director in front of the pedagogical director for saying bad things about the direction of the school. I deserved it, but it was a means to an end as otherwise these students would still be out a teacher. This is what started Thursday.
All week, Annie and Charles had been saying their goodbyes, starting at their going away parties on Friday and Saturday, and culminating in a last dinner on Wednesday night. Nanosh and I, Albertina and Latifa were saying goodbye at the restaurant we have always gone to with Annie and Charles, adnd we shared a lot of good memories and laughs. We talked about the future - about how uncertain it really is when you get down to it. Then I went by their house early Thursday afternoon to see them drive off for the last time out of C---. Nanosh was sick at home.