For the first time in Mozambique, I have no clean underwear. As these things happen, I did it quite accidentally, leaving my dirty laundry behind a locked door. Woe is me.
I traveled a bit down to Maputo and took care of some much needed shopping for the last phase of my service here. Differently shaped pasta, peanut butter and soy sauce were my vices this time. Some fresh cumin even came along for the ride.
And so tomorrow I begin the last trimester, guaranteed to be the most memorable as I help 10th and 12th graders pass their Biology and Chemistry exams, respectively. I thought for a while that my writing would start to turn sentimental at this point, but I'm not letting myself get that far ahead. There's still a lot to be accomplished before I get out of here. Reflecting isn't on the list.
I really love teaching.