Wednesday, July 30, 2003


I think about one year's time from now, and it seems like forever. I think about one year ago, and it seems like yesterday. I think about tomorrow and another day seems like nothing. I need to realize that the only day is this one.

I controlled the ACPs today. There were no cheat sheets or books used, that I saw. Which is surprising, but not shocking. They know now that I'll give them a zero if I find it, and word has gotten around that I'll find it. Dread is the only word that comes to mind when a student thinks I might be controlling their exam.

The rain was pretty bad today. The flooding was worse. There's an entire bank of classrooms in the back of campus that became an island today. I ended up jumping from stone to stone placed in the water, to the delight of a couple hundred 8th and 9th graders. Still got wet.

Entire yards are completely under water - many streets are impassable, with a foot or two of water. No big deal, though, as cars are equipped to handle it and people find alternate routes.

Everyone's still asking me about English classes. I'm trying to put together an audio CD with Charles, but that's only a stopgap. Hopefully, Diamentino and I will find a place where I can teach. We'll see.

