I gave the same lesson four times today, but I gave four different lessons. Then, I gave my 8th grade lessons and they were fantastic. Carolina, another Biology teacher, watched my first lesson and noticed how many visual aids I used and how interactive the lesson was and seemed excited to use some of these concepts in her own lessons! I gave the same lesson a second time and felt the same success without the affirmation of another teacher.
I suppose that I somewhat dislike success, because it broadens the scope of what is possible and distracts me from my somewhat constant goal of figuring out exactly how to teach in this system. I suppose it's very scientific, my approach: try and prove a theory by disproving everything else. In this case, I don't really have a theory yet, as much as a good guess.
A girl - a really smart one - participated for the first time, voluntarily, in one of my classes today. She received a 100% on the last test, and I hope that's what boosted her confidence.