I've been struggling with a nasty head cold the past couple days - it's quite an interesting experience, actually. I had a conversation, if you could call it that, with a neighbor tonight who was talking about English education. But all I really heard was every other word, even pointing the ear I could hear out of towards him. So I didn't really participate in the conversation and, at the end of it, he said he was sorry for interrupting my walk home. I felt like explaining, but only kind of.
So I've spent a lot of time eating fresh oranges, drinking tea, reading books and wrapping myself up in blankets as it's starting to get cold. As long as I don't have to do anything, it's not all that bad. At least my ass isn't leaking.
Alas, tomorrow I have class again, and as much as I love class, I've made Thursdays difficult on myself with an English class at Vukoxa and an extra Bio tutoring session.
I received word on Tuesday that the school director has left and does not yet have a replacement. He wasn't terribly popular here, for one reason or another. In any case, I found during one of my classes on digestion, that he had left. It was right in the middle of things and I decided to tell the class. Well, it changed the mood, so I figured I'd need a silly segue of some sort, so I said "You know, the director, like us, also digests."
When I told Nanosh that, he realized I must really be feeling out of it.
And some strange dreams, to boot. In one dream, I was back in the States, in some sort of department store around the holiday season, and I began poking around a back section that had a staircase. Apparently, my plan was to go up the staircase to see what was in store. Well, as I pretended to be interested in things on the staircase in a fake sort of way, the security guard started staring at me and motioning for me to move away.
I made a mental note, in the dream, that in Mozambique they'd never care that much or have that many security guards. Like I said, strange.