It's cold. Last night, being fully clothed under a sheet and blanket was simply not enough. Of course, sleeping on a reed mat in a strange coastal house had something to do with it...and also not having batshit insulation plays a part.
Been doing a lot of thinking lately, which is always dangerous. Life is definitely too short - a fact accentuated by being here, where you see more infants than people your age and up - and the moment must be taken advantage of. It doesn't even feel like life here sometimes, because of how we're brought up to approach life as moving in some logical manner. But it doesn't.
You have to hold on to your surroundings and the people who surround you, for the support you need because only in the familiar can you ever find solace. And every day that passes, your past gets further away and you inevitably get more different than the people from your past.
This isn't to say that you can't hold on to the past. You can, but you miss out on so much that is going on right in front of your nose - like everything else, the moment is a balance. The moment is a delicate combination of what you can see and feel, and what you can remember of everything that made this moment.
And life doesn't work on a gradient - like modern theories of evolution, a lot happens in a burst and then nothing happens for a while until the next burst.
I'm in a burst now, just on a different level, and I'm really unsure as to where it's going to bring me and if I'm ready for it.