Thursday, June 24, 2004


What is a volunteer if not somebody with a low-paying job? We refer to ourselves as volunteers, but the job isn't inherently that selfless. It's inherently a job. It's just that the underlying assumption is that we will take the job and run with it, going above and beyond what is required out of pure will, instead of being besieged by tons of annoying, bureaucratic requirements.

So that puts things in perspective when I think of getting a "real" job again - that there's nothing "fake" about this job, only that I took it knowing it was a stepping stone to something else. Though I can see myself teaching a science in another language in another country sometime in the future, and I see that as ten times more real than going back to the States and programming computers or analyzing documents.


Maybe I oughta find myself a French-Canadian school and just go for it. After a year or so of French, of course.

A "real" job. Ha! Maybe it's just distance that brings out the "boring" buried in "real".

