Thursday, March 03, 2005


Today I got almost nowhere. Got up at 4am, caught the boat to take us across, got a chapa immediately to get to Inchope, the turnoff for the south of the country. And waited. From 10:30am to 3:15pm, I waited for something. There was one car, but it was going to a city short of where I wanted for a price I understood to be too much. Of course, I’ve been kicking myself ever since.

So now I’m in Beira, a city where they clearly don’t like white people all that much. You regularly get called “white,” “chief,” “patrĂ£o” … you name it. Insulted, basically, for being such an outsider. I paid $12.50 for a piece of shit room, $22.50 for a ride I should pay almost half that for, and almost paid $1 more for dinner than necessary. But because I’m white, I got a life that saved me $2.50. Not even, but close enough.

So I’m leaving at 4:30am, with hopes to be in Maxixe at 3 or 4pm, Inhambane an hour later. Here’s hoping.
