Wednesday, May 29, 2002

I had been thinking about Peace Corps for a long time.

In my last year of college, I found myself at the most useless of career fairs. Every employer was either looking for cheap work (interns, co-ops, temps) or they weren't looking for work at all. I wondered why these employers bothered to show up at all, then wondered why I was bothering to stay. I noticed flocks of desperate seniors crowded around a few big-name booths, and in my travels up and down the aisles, noticed one familiar, lonely information stand.

"This is my therapy," I told the recruiter for Peace Corps. She responded positively, noting that I was exactly the kind of person she was looking for -- not only was I disillusioned with the corporate world, but I was young, male, unattached with a history (however distant) of community service. Seconds later I found myself with all the literature I could afford to carry and renewed willpower to walk out the door and start my application.