Thursday, May 30, 2002

On April 14th I received my nomination.

I had applied to Peace Corps, with no preference as to location, but I wanted to teach science. I was willing to perform services dealing with I.T., but as I had basically been in that field for the last 10 years (!), it was definitely a second choice. I wanted to do what would be useful to the people I was trying to help -- that was the first priority. But I love teaching, and I couldn't resist.

So I was elated to hear that I had been nominated for a position in Southeastern Africa, teaching biology to grade- or high-schoolers. Included in the job description was forming sports and English clubs, and most importantly HIV/AIDS education. As of 2000, 7 out of 10 HIV cases come from the African continent, and that number is going up. I started reading up on the area and talking with everyone about what I had started. More people know someone in Peace Corps than you would think.