Sunday, January 12, 2003


This is my first day in C--- as a volunteer. And it's been pretty...well, normal. And interestingly, how I expected it to be. Two guys are sitting here, playing cards, keeping me company and trying out their English every so often. But my Portuguese continues to improve, and saves theirs attempts at speaking my native tongue :)

The electricity has gone out twice tonight, so it feels like B---. It's not great when you're brushing your teeth and you lose electricity. That sucks.

It's also incredibly hot today, and humid. So we've all been drinking a ton of water.

I went to the market with the guy who's staying in the house with me for now, and we got a bunch of food which should last me for a few days - and it all cost 160 Met or $7.00

Tomorrow I start my workout regime, which will be determined by how I can find somewhere to do pullups. Also, I meet the pedagogical director of my school. I'm not quite sure how I do that yet. Should be interesting.

It's nice to be moved in, and settled into some semblance of a normal life - but frustrating that I have three weeks until classes. I suppose I can start preparing for them once I know what I'm teaching. I like that I immediately feel comfortable here. It's a good sign!

