Thursday, January 09, 2003


....So after we got on the bus, I realized that there was no way I'd be sitting down for the remaining hour of the ride due to the tremendous amount of people. So I got as far back as I could in the bus, put my pack behind me, left Simoes in front of me, and held on to posts that join the storage bins, on opposite sides. Basically, it looked like I was readying a gigantic catapult, leaning back, arms spread wide. But I felt safe, knowing I wasn't going anywhere in an accident!

In any case, today I spent the day with Blake's family. We went around town and showed them the ropes of living here in C---. We then made a traditional dinner of Cove, much to their delight. I have to admit it was quite good.

It's nice to have people to educate, in person, around a lot of the time. I broke the ice between Blake's father and some locals in terms of taking pictures and I've been answering questions and explaining the general way of life.

It's amazing to me how much I've really learned the past few months, as this family sees it. October seems like years ago in terms of reality - Blake's family really makes it hit home that I'm here for two years, but not that far away. It's also given me some ideas as to what I do and don't want to do with people who visit me.

People who visit (yes, that's you) are going to experience Mozambican life as best as I can demonstrate. You will travel in chapas, try to speak Portuguese and Changana, go to the market, cook traditional foods, hang out with my MOZ friends, go to a discoteca (maybe), go to a couple bars, see the children and play with the children, sit in on a class or two, etc. You won't need a car.

They don't.

I'm going to spend New Year's here, with Diamantino at his place. I tried to explain the Times Square ritual, but a big lit ball dropping slowly from the top of a building just doesn't translate correctly.

I hope that things disappearing from the house isn't because of Diamantino. It's possible, because he has a significant financial burden, but for the sake of our friendship, I hope it's not true. I know he appreciates me as a person. I just don't know how much of it is clouded by the fact that I have money and spend it (relatively) freely.

I got an email from Lisa today. It clarified tremendously how she sees our relationship, and it's just about the same way that I feel. The best part about our lives is that we are both following our dreams at the same time, and are in very intense situations. As much as I want her to visit to understand what my life is like, how much could I ever step into her shoes? Sorry to be vague, but this is a pretty private thing!

