Tuesday, June 18, 2002

CNN.com - Nickelodeon to air special on gay parents despite protests - June 17, 2002
Despite a staggering 100,000 e-mails and phone calls in protest, Nickelodeon will telecast a special for children about same-sex parents on Tuesday night.
John says:
This is absolutely disgusting. Can you believe that 100,000 people care that much about 30 minutes of television? The show is being approached in a remarkably journalistically sound manner, devoid of commercials (not that they had a choice!). The worst part is that parents would like a TV station to not air a program so that these parents don't have to be with their kids.

That's the only reason I can think for such an outrage. If they were so concerned, all they have to do is change the channel, or -- horror of horrors -- turn off the television. But that's a half-hour of parenting that morally myopic adults can seem to handle.

What's wrong with learning? How is this not just another educational show? Don't you want your children to be well versed in different cultures, especially the ones that are least understood and more domestic than will ever be admitted?

These parents are afraid of indoctrination. The promotion of homosexuality. As if this were a tourist guide to the happy but isolated island of Queer, surrounded by red waters but its ports open to all. A sales pitch, selling the glamorous side of a society that anyone can join, but to admit your membership can be alienating, if not physically dangerous. No, I don't think any travel agency would lay down a dime to sell this one.

And what's more is that parents know the influence television has over their children. These are the same parents that use the tube as their babysitter for hours, if not days, on end. Do these parents endlessly research the available networks to see if the morals presented matches up with their own? Do they really care, unless it strikes a chord with their personal insecurities?

Isn't it painfully obvious that this show is not, in fact, for the children? The parents who have called and e-mailed have made it quite certain that they are the ones who need to watch this sort of programming. These parents need to watch this absent of their children so they can then sit down and talk directly with their loved ones, and truly figure out why there is so much hatred and ignorance.

Until that happens, this reactionary behavior must be tempered. It is the responsibility of the children of this country to educate themselves and their parents on tolerance. Tolerance isn't difficult to come to grips with -- it's simply a matter of listening and not being judgemental. Additionally, Mr. Falwell, tolerance doesn't mean advocacy, a common misconception.

So, American children, go seek out a friend who will watch this with you -- another child, or even your parents. In your youth is the best time to keep an open mind towards the world, especially that ever-expanding island known as Queer.