Sunday, June 02, 2002

I hate George Bush.

I know, HATE is a strong word. But I mean it. I hate the fact that he represents our country to the rest of the world, that he is more of a whore to special interest groups than any previous president, that he considers himself a shining moral beacon to guide our country post (ugh, I hate this reference, but) September 11th, that his current record shows reckless abandon for the environment while he knowingly says the complete opposite, and that he was apparently what the plurality of Americans wanted.

And so when he takes credit for increasing volunteerism because of his State of the Union speech, and not giving credit to the grassroots efforts that have been in place for decades which will produce the long-lasting effects and not just the typical American reactionary efforts, it makes me angry. I am not joining Peace Corps because of George Bush. George, please don't take credit for my application.