Saturday, December 28, 2002


I hadmy first full class today, and I suppose it went well - it was really tough to get the kids to participate, and even harder when you can't explain yourself fully.

I had a couple of fairly vivid, sentimental dreams last night. The ones I remember now involved the two people I miss the most and haven't been able to communicate with to this point for many reasons - Eric and Lisa.

It's hard to write about this, because I miss them so much. I had a great conversation with my mom (real mom) on Saturday night - and so it makes me miss them that much more, knowing that I'm close to making contact with them. I guess what's more is that our relationships can't help but change over 2 years. I really do feel like I'm on the moon sometimes - whether it be communication, culture, or just this awkward adjustment period. I don't know if there will be a point where I'm completely comfortable being here, but I don't know that I want that. I think feeling like I always need to be working on integrating is a good thing and will make me more culturally aware.

Continuing in a fairly sentimental tone, this is the last page of my first journal, a milestone of sorts. I hope it's the beginning of a long journey with the people who are reading this and a good way for the people I love to keep up with me in the in-between times...

Love and Peace
