Friday, February 07, 2003


Jesse and Zach came by to visit and buy bicycles today. I had a good time showing them around my new home and comparing our sites. They live in the same house together without water or electricity and they have a 5K walk/ride to civilization where they can do food shopping. They moved into a completely unfurnished house and have not had very much to do at all except watch the same people pass by all day, every day.

Even though we're only a couple of hours away, it's a different world there. The floods never hit their town, and they are pretty much on their own learning the area and neighborhood. Houses all look the same, all built at the same time for the flood relief.

We made a good spaghetti dinner tonight with a side of seasoned fries. This morning, I had two delicious omelettes. I love cooking for myself AND others! And when we make a meal all together, it's even more fun to see how all the different tastes come together.

