Sunday, April 20, 2003


It's been getting temperate here lately. I hate to use the word cold because that might evoke images of actual cost as most of the rest of the world knows it. I mean cold like below 70 degrees F. It's downright nippy.

I talked with Laurenco today about teaching HIV/AIDS info in and outside the classroom. He was not only pleased, but was wanting to contribute ideas! Why? Well, there's a grant being offered by the government for HIV/AIDS education, and he wants to say that we're doing something.

And I found out that a great organization, GATV, is in my town as well. They do HIV testing and counseling and are generally great advocates to have around.

So I drew up a rough plan for a semester-long session of HIV/AIDS education. Not only is it comprehensive, but I finished it quite quickly because all of these ideas have been floating around in my head for a while. To see them on paper and know that they could very well end up s actual sessions that students and the community at large attends is pretty powerful.

I guess I'm holding my breath because we don't even talk about secondary projects until July - so if I'm pursuing one already, is it destined to fail because I don't have enough experience? Or is it just because I've gotten lucky to find myself in this position? Here's hoping it's the latter, because I'm getting pretty excited.

