Saturday, August 16, 2003


I ended up teaching a two-hour computer class at Charles' workplace today. All it required from me was some patience and being able to juggle two computers at once. It was fun, but I'm glad I'm not doing it for two years. I've had my fill of tutoring on computers, and doing it in Africa in Portuguese isn't really that much of a novelty to keep me going.

The three women I tutored today, thought, probably didn't know what hit them. All of a sudden some strange white secondary school teacher is taking over their lesson, usually taught by a Mozambican. And then I threw some Changana in, in the middle somewhere. They liked that.

Handball is tough - the "coach" (they call "coach" "mistah" here) likes for me to play...a lot. Most of the students will have a good 10, 15 minute rest, but I get at most 5 minutes. Maybe he feels like he's being disrespectful by not letting me play, but it's hard to explain that I learn just as much by watching the game (which is still a bit strange to me) and following individuals intently.

Nonetheless, it's a lot of fun and I hope I can stick with it.

A circuit breaker BROKE today. Broke. From overuse. Jorgito's uncle replaced it for me. So, I'm learning how to ask for help when I need it - in this case, rather than sending a few amps of poorly conditioned electricity across my body.

