Friday, November 08, 2002


I'm pretty tired, so I'll make this quick.

I washed my clothes again today. You just use buckets and wash the clothes against your forearms, rubbing the dirt out. It's pretty cool.

The funny part for me is when it's time to dry the clothes. Everything's pretty standard untill you get to the socks.

Instead of fences here, property lines are defined by prickly bushes (I forget the name, but it suggests getting pricked) that stop growing at about 3-4 feet (one meter). So we dry the socks on these plants. Because we're hanging the socks very carefully, it reminds me eerily of a very, very different tradition.

Putting the tinsel on the Christmas tree...

It's exactly the same thing, but I can't share it with my family, as I wouldn't know where to even start. And I feel like I'm decorating these bushes with my socks. It's quite bizarre!

