Friday, November 08, 2002


I know I didn't make an entry last night, but I don't know if it would be a good idea to write much tonight. I'm feeling better, but I got, well, drunk tonight and I think a lot of people ended up saying things they didn't really want to say without the assistance of DARKNESS.

Mainly, we spent a lot of time questioning "diversity training". Constructively, of course. But apparently, volunteers suggested that we emulate other PC programs in having more diversity training - which is fine. I just think (and many others think) that the exact methods need to be refined somewhat.

Many people feel that the trainees outselves have been steering things in a direction that wasn't necessarily intended. I personally think this is the first time many people in the group have had the opportunity to learn about some specific American subcultures.

I think that I have been very lucky to have been exposed to most subcultures, and as such, training in diversity has seemed very insular.

Also, I think we need to realize that we're only 3 weeks into training, and so we shouldn't be expecting to get to the meat of the program just yet. If there's one thing we've learned, it's PATIENCE, because of the culture we're in.

I've noticed something about many of the volunteers we have spoken with, and it's that they seem to retain their American identities very strongly. Personally, I want to blend into this society as much as possible and learn exactly how life is lived - and not just life around Mozambican culture. This is not to belittle what other volunteers are doing at all, it's just that I have this idealistic goal of fitting into my community and teaching as a peer rather than some random American.

I find that when I speak Portuguese, I try to do so as a Mozambican would, and not as an American struggling with the language. I guess that this is just my approach. I'll stop now :)

