Saturday, May 31, 2003


The night sky has been ridiculously gorgeous this week.

Two nights ago, there was a nearly complete moon shining down on a pleasantly cool earth. The air was still, though not with anticipation. It felt like summer had just given up and now winter didn't quite know what to do. This bizarre handover was reflected in the three delicate wisps of clouds remaining in the sky. My gaze was transfixed because I couldn't believe that nobody had deliberately placed them up above - small little scarves across the illuminated darkness.

And these three guards of the lonely season were lit from behind by the eternal watchman. The secondhand sunlight gave these three top billing and their presence was much more notable than had they been among their normal crowd. It was as if they knew their own beauty and bathed in it, to the delight of everyone watching.

I thought of the wonderful sunrises, moonrises, cloudless skies, threatening skies and electrical storms I've seen in the last 6 1/2 months. All of them are spectacular, not because the skies are different here, but because they're completely unfettered by technology and have little competition with TV, computers and movies. It almost seems that the sky becomes more beautiful because it knows it's being admired.

