Thursday, June 26, 2003


6:30 Will myself out of bed. Stretch.
6:45 Start working out.
7:30 "Shower" and wash dishes
8:00 Eat breakfast
8:30 Correct papers
9:00 Go out to run errands
9:40 Finish up with Internet
9:45 Get to market and chat for a bit, buying several kilos of food.
10:15 Get face time with Primary School Director who is paranoid about my intentions of giving FREE English classes. Practically get kicked out.
10:30 See former English students of mine, tell them what's going on.
10:40 See Diamentino's dad selling oranges. Buy oranges. Buy 3 Met (9 oranges) and pay with a 100 Met bill.
11:00 Arrive at home, drop groceries off to do second run.
11:15 Get eggs, sugar and delicious Lemon Cream crackers.
11:20 Receive a Changana lesson at the Post Office and send a letter.
11:30 Grab bread.
11:40 Arrive home, again. Make leftovers for lunch.
12:00 Get ready for school.
12:20 Arrive at school, prepare for lessons.
12:40 Sing Mozambican national anthem.
12:45 First two classes with my youngest turma. They're very well behaved, only have to chew out Dinho.
14:20 Third class of the day, with my oldest turma. They're a handful today, but at least participating.
15:10 Trade schedules with fellow professor so we can watch each other's classes.
15:30 Go home to get water and pee. Have a small snack and talk with Diamentino.
16:00 Arrive back at school. Meet with Laurenco and talk shop for a while.
16:20 Last two classes of the day. have apathy problems, as usual, with this turma. Give them the "I don't make money for doing this" speech and the "If you only come to class for the notes, why come?" speech.
17:00 Fight breaks out in back of room. One student holds back aggressor, I hold back the other kid and drag him out of the room. "Kid" meaning about my age.
17:20 After "detaining" the aggressor in the room and giving him time to cool down, I send him home. Mark my first red faltas (highest discipline possible) in the book for both kids.
17:50 After getting shaken up over the fight and apathy of the class, I cut the lesson 5 minutes short to the delight of the students.
17:55 Sit alone in the room, decompressing.
18:05 Arrive at hime, start an eggplant Parmesan without the cheese.
20:15 Eat the eggplant Parmesan with one of my students who came by asking about girl trouble. Advice meager.
20:30 Shoo the kids away who watched the whole cooking process, thinking I was cooking something else.
20:35 Clean.
21:00 Start correcting papers and researching questions kids asked me in class.
21:50 Get call from Eric! Whoo!
22:20 Return to correcting papers.
23:30 Enter grades into gradebook.
23:45 Write in journal.
0:00 Bed.

