Saturday, March 06, 2004


Well, I had a very busy and tiring weekend. Friday night, Zach was over for a night on the town and we had fun listening to random old American music, talking with Jenna's school director and just talking about the latest political issues (not to mention some interpretive dancing to some Guns and Roses). Got to bed at 3 and had to get myself up at 6 to wait for the woman who does my laundry who arrived at 7, then I had to prepare for a meeting at school at 8. After the meeting, we left for the coast for a big party and stayed out for quite a while, dancing endlessly and counseling some of the new volunteers on their first few months. We heard some pretty funny and scary stories, all told.

Got to sleep about 4 and woke up at about 8, leaving for home pretty soon afterwards with Jenna and Manuel, a Zimbabwean. He needed to head back to Harare, so we showed him the right bus to take to get there after a good chat over lunch. I took a nap a few hours ago now, but I'm very ready to sleep for a nice, long time.

Days are flying by, and I still miss everyone a ton...

