Friday, September 05, 2003


I was in the middle of dictating - well, one of my students was dictating information that they should have already had in their notebooks - and there was a knock on the door. It was one of the women who rings the bell and keeps an eye on the chalk. She said that Laurenco wanted to see me right away.

I quickly wracked my brain - what did I do wrong? I felt like a student called in to go to the principal's office over the PA. Even if you know you did nothing wrong, there's this nagging fear they found SOMETHING. I expected to walk in seeing Laurenco, the director, and several other administrators seated, looking grim.

Instead (clearly), Laurenco was in good spirits and alone. The universal look of "I have a favor to ask" easily identified by its half-smile appeared on his face. He was asking me to type an urgent letter up. All of the secretaries were already gone, so nobody was around who knew how to type.

Relieved, I agreed. Luckily, my current class was handling itself and so I wasn't falling behind. I saddled up to the manual typewriter (nothing electric about it) and noticed something odd. The keys for Q and A were switched, the same with W and V. I focused, looking directly at the keys and managed to avoid making egregious errors. Though I discovered there was no "enter" button (silly carriage), button for the number one (very economical) or zero. Instead capital I and O are used. My light-hearted observations were taken very...abruptly. My director was very thankful and obviously relieved!

