Sunday, September 28, 2003


I was standing in front of the class, waiting patiently. I had already chewed out several students for sitting in the back (they were avoiding the sun) and one more for a) forgetting his notebook, b) demonstrating his inability to listen, c) demonstrating his lack of desire, and d) purposefully not trying to answer a very easy question.

So my patient waiting was still tinged with frustration. I had asked a swath of about 20 girls (no exaggeration) to answer a VERY easy question. I only needed one of them. I had drawn a seed on the board, having three parts. We had already labeled two parts and said the name of the third. All I wanted from her was to point to the third part.

One girl got up and came with me to the board. She pointed to the completely wrong place. I explained again very slowly and simply where the three parts were and whic we had identified. Again, she identified the SAME incorrect part. I asked for help.

The "chefe" of the turma came up to her after I asked for someone to explain. He strode up to her and caringly explained the question in dialect. He then restated the question and gave the answer, making her look good and taking the pressure off any other students. It was nice to see, but frustrating.

I gave her the simplest of tasks - it was below what I would consider "learning", but she was incapable simply because she only knows how to parrot. And she's not alone.

How do I start with nothing?

