Monday, September 08, 2003


We've had a shitty problem lately. The toilet is not draining correctly, and due to poor construction, is backing up directly into the bathroom. We have very slow plumbers on the job. I wish I had a latrine instead of a toilet.

On a light note, I've been pondering the meaning of life.

I think my philosophical stance doesn't quite account for the question completely, which is comforting in a way because it gives my spiritual thought some direction. But that direction isn't quite clear because my beef is with the fact that thought without death there cannot be life, how is it that death is forever and life is temporary? And though I've already tried to answer this question for myself hundreds of times, I don't know that I've come to a satisfactory answer at any point.

I don't get the whole idea of a soul that has always existed and will always exist, because I still have the scientific idea that consciousness is a chemical process. Which should lead me to the conclusion that life is a chemical process as is death. But there's a part of me that is unhappy with that answer on an analytical and visceral level. What is this chemical process that allows us to create names for everything that causes our consciousness? Or is that simply it? Our consciousness exists on the level it does because it is made of the only things it can describe. So what I'm saying is there could very well be something else out there, it's just that we're incapable of discovering it as chemical reactions. Maybe this next "level" is what commonly gets classified as "god" and everything else supernatural and doesn't even care that this dimension of reality exists. I'm going to sit on this...

