Sunday, March 02, 2003


For "Ngoma Time" today, we had a fun little skit between four of us trainees.

We did the bit where the people are "cooking" but their arms are actually someone else's. So Zach and I were the bodies and Jesse and Dennis were the arms. We decided to do a "cooking show" on traditional Mozambican cooking, which ended up being anything but traditional, of course.

Zach and I wanted to make it a full cross-cultural experience, so we attempted to speak in Portuguese while watermelon dipped in mayonnaise was being shoved into our mouths. It got some big laughs, and was well worth the insult to my GI tract.

The best moments of the skit were definitely when we got bread shoved in our mouths, because we couldn't just bite off one piece, and we couldn't eat it all without the coordination of our hands. So we'd try and talk while biting pieces off.

Then they dipped into the Peanut Butter. Zach has a full beard and I've got the bottom half of a goatee. Zach "suggested" we decorate our beards (it's the same word in Portuguese) with peanut butter. Good idea :)

In any case, I had my last full lesson today for model school and it was utter chaos. I had the last class of a Friday, of 10th graders (no ordinary 10th graders, these guys are from 16-26 years old), outside, where it was nice and windy. And then I was told I needed to hand out pens to those students who needed them. An already excited class - I had to stand still, saying nothing, for about 2 minutes, just to get them to shut up. Plus, I didn't have enough pens. But I handled it relatively gracefully, and I still feel confident in my teaching abilities!

