Thursday, March 27, 2003


I'm feeling better today, but there's still this feeling that the reality of the situation I'm in 24/7 is not quite happening and not quite happening for two years. But I'm still thinking about it as a day-by-day thing - because I'm still faced by many challenges every day which can be exasperating.

I bought cheese today for myself. See, Blake and his girlfriend left for another volunteer's site for a birthday/Valentine's Day party that I couldn't go to because I'm missing documentation that I'm legally in Mozambique. So I can't travel right now, but that's OK. I've got enough to do here.

Anyway, yeah, I bought cheese. It's a delicacy here and cost me as much as it probably would in the States. The one I could afford is "Gouda" but really just a mutt of cheeses and fits the bill for those of us who are used to consuming it on a regular basis. A cheese sandwich has never tasted so good.

It's surreal hearing everything that's going on in the world right now - the protests, the speeches from world leaders, the UN Security Council, Iraq...and seeing none of that here where the priorities cannot accommodate for something going on in what's practically another world.

We got about 30 minutes of rain tonight, the first rain in about 1 1/2 weeks. Neighbors are using our yard as extra farm land in exchange for keeping it clean and a little bit of the food. If I didn't think it would promote further use (abuse) of our land, I'd allow them to use it for free. There are no easy decisions here. I've probably said this, but it's so vitally true. Every decision has a much broader scope than what's being asked, so the decision is not simple.

Me tired. Me bed.

